If Barbie Were a Real
Woman, She Would Look Like the Rest of
Tune in for “Healthy is the New Skinny” on the “Dr. Andrea Show” as she Discuss the
Obsession of Body Perfection in
If Barbie were a real woman she would have: divorced Ken, had 1-tummy tuck under her belt, endured 2 lay-offs, suffered with
thinning hair, turned off the lights while making love and probably been treated for her depression! Come on people let’s get real; Barbie would look and feel like most of us!
Forty to fifty percent of women in the
constantly bombarded with "Barbie-doll" images.
If you fear the words “Pool Party”, let Dr. Andrea walk you through it! Got a class or family reunion coming up? Allow Dr. Andrea to boost your confid
ence! Is your daughter obsessed about being SKINNY? Dr. Andrea can coach her through it! Or do you just desire to feel good about YOU? Don’t miss this show!
· It is estimated that 40-50% of American women are trying to lose weight at any point in time.
· One out of every four college aged women has an eating disorder.
· Almost half of all women smokers smoke because they see it as the best way to control their weight. Of these women, 25% will die of a
disease caused by smoking.
· At 5′9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 which is considered severely underweight. Because of her ridiculous proportions (3
9” bust, 18” waist, 33” thighs and a size 3 shoes!), if she was a real woman, she wouldn’t be able to walk upright - she would have to walk on all fours.
· At age thirteen, 53% of
American girls are “unhappy with their bodies.” This grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen.
By presenting an ideal that is so difficult to achieve and mai
ntain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are experiencing exponential growth. It's no accident that our daughters, nieces and BFF’s are increasingly brainwashed into thinking that thinness is the essential crite
rion of beauty. The message we're hearing is either "all women need to lose weight" or that the natural aging process is a "disastrous" fate.
The next live show, scheduled June 29th at 1pm ET, will feature a discussion titled, "Healthy is the New Skinny"! Dr. Andrea says, “The media has it all wrong and it’s got us all trippin’! The average American woman is 5’4” tall and weighs 140 pounds. The average American model is 5’11” tall and weighs 117 pounds.”

Dr. Andrea will be joined by Blanche Williams, former model, Sirius-XM Radio talk show personality, author, media literacy advocate, and management director for acclaimed documentary The Soul’s of Black Girls, focusing on the impact the media has on black women’s self-image. Blanche has been involved with health, wellness and empowerment for over 10 years and believes that a healthy mind creates a healthy body. Her book, How to Design Your Mind for Greatness, is part of Williams’ Greatness by Design Empowerment Enterprises. www.greatnessbydesign.com
Also joining the conversation is

Andrea Owen. She is a life coach, blogger of "Live your Ideal Life", and a speaker passionate about empowering women to value their character and access their 3 best selves: self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. She is currently hosting workshops sponsored by the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, helping young girls establish healthy self esteem and to help widen the definition of beauty.
Dr. Andrea will answer pertinent questions that include:
- What is “Total Life Transformation” all about for real women with real weight issues?
- Why do some of us hate the way we look?
- How can we boost our metabolism to increase weight loss?
- How can women come to love the bodies we have on the inside?
- What are ways to reduce the weight after the baby comes?
- How can we boost the esteem of our teens and prevent poor choices?
Airing weekly, Empowered for Life! with Dr. Andrea on BlogTalkRadio and YouTube will discuss timely and relevant topics including wellbeing, weight loss and body image, eating disorders, and health empowerment. She will even delve into tackling work/life balance, as well as lifestyle topics that cover beauty, travel, and relationships.
All media inquiries and interview requests should be directed to The Write Stylz Public Relations Firm.
Dr. Andrea Pennington, Dr. Andrea Pennington, a nationally renowned health expert and radio host, is the past Medical Director and Spokesperson for Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Health Online and has been featured on several TV programs such as CNN, Fox News, the Today Show, the Early Show – CBS, and Oprah. For over a decade Dr. Pennington has helped women through her medical practice and television shows to explore and release the painful trauma that has kept them from a life of joy. Dr. Pennington launched the “I Love You, Me! Women’s Empowerment Project with singer-songwriter, Meritxell, the new Peaches of legendary combo Peaches and Herb. www.PenningtonEmpowerment.com and www.ILoveYouMe.com
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