Friday, October 23, 2009

Your Diet is Aging You! Top 5 Anti-Aging Foods for YOU!

I can tell what my 3-year-old daughter has been snacking on because it’s visible all over her precious face. Would you be surprised to learn that the telltale signs of what you have been eating – or avoiding – are equally noticeable just by looking at your face? It’s true. Dermatologists explain that our skin is a window into our overall health and can show clues of what’s going on under the surface.
New research reported in the British Medical Journal states that enjoying a Mediterranean-style diet including a combination of olive oil, seeds, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables – and only moderate alcohol intake – can improve overall health and longevity. And when we look at the faces of men and women from Mediterranean countries, who consume large amounts of olive oil, we see fewer wrinkles and firmer skin (despite avid sun-worshipping). And they not only have beautiful skin but cleaner arteries (on average) to boot!
Examining the faces and diets of many Asians shows that a diet rich in green tea can help the skin remain clear and blemish-free for decades longer than people who sunbathe, smoke, or otherwise rob their skin of ”free radical-fighting power.” Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties to neutralize the toxic effects of what we call reactive oxygen species.
To cut through the biochemistry lingo, simply understand that by simply breathing in oxygen, we create unstable molecules called free radicals, which are responsible for the visible and invisible signs of aging. Environmental factors that stimulate free-radical production include UV rays, radiation, cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, and pesticides.
We also cause free-radical damage by not getting enough rest or sleep, not properly managing our stress responses, and not eating healthfully. Free radicals can damage the very DNA of your skin cells (and every other cell in your body) and destroy the collagen and elastin that provide tautness and elasticity to skin. From wrinkles, dryness, and sensitivity, to vibrant and glowing, your skin broadcasts your inner state of health to all the world.
So if vanity will prompt you to finally look at your diet seriously, I say, welcome to the new generation of empowered people!
Click here are 5 of my favorite Super Foods for age-defying beauty and overall vitality brought to you by my blog on

Weight Loss Motivation – Pain or Pleasure?

I am attending a “Love Your Body” panel discussion here in LA this weekend and I started thinking about the types of motivation that drive us to take on new challenges – like losing weight. Are you someone who has to hit rock bottom before you will make a change in your life? For instance, do you need to feel totally embarrassed on a plane because your seat belt doesn’t fit? Or do you need to be at risk of not getting health insurance because your BMI is too high in order to finally get your weight under control?

Studies show that when we engage in a change out of fear or force we are not likely to stick with the change. That’s why New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, go to the gym and eat healthy don’t work well. When we ‘resolve’ to do something it means that we have finally given into pressure or are being forced to perform.

I wonder how many of us can remember a time when we just felt good in our bodies. Can you think of a time when you loved something about your body – your feet, your legs, your hips, or other ‘lady humps?’

I wonder if self-love and a sincere desire to give your body the food it really craves, the movement it was uniquely designed for and the fluids that keep it supple and flowing could motivate you.

In my first book, The Pennington Plan: 5 Steps to Achieving Vibrant Health, Emotional Wellbeing and Spiritual Growth I explained that I find it best to have at least 5 motivating factors when creating a new plan for life. Step 2 of the Plan tells you to list your motivating factors. If you mix it up with not just the things that you are trying to avoid – death, high blood pressure medication, insulin shots, etc - but also include reasons you want to get to a healthy weight you will enjoy more weight loss success. For instance, list things like:
·        Being able to run with your kids without getting winded
·        Enjoying how it feels to be light on your toes
·        Loving how your body looks to YOU and no body else!

Share your thoughts and comments about what motivates YOU to say “No” to cookies (or at least say Yes to one or two as opposed to 12!) and what motivates YOU to embrace more physical activity. Is there pleasure mixed into your life so that you don’t feel deprived when managing your weight? I want to know!

You may also want to check out my latest book: The Pennington Plan for Weight Success. If you purchase before Thanksgiving I will send you TWO books for the price of one! Hurry, supplies are limited.

Exclusive Online offer for an AUTOGRAHPED COPY direct from the author!
$7.95 + S/H
This book is small and mighty! It is packed with the essential information you need to embrace healthy eating habits for weight loss and age-less beauty. In this book I outlined a 5-step motivational plan that I use in my life when I want to be successful at any goal. It’s the same plan that I’ve taught all across the country, empowered my patients with and coached participants in the Travel Channel’s Swimsuit Slimdown competition.