Sunday, November 1, 2009



For Immediate Release:                                               November 2, 2009
Beverly Hills, California

Dr. Andrea Pennington, a nationally renowned health expert and radio host, is the past Medical Director and Spokesperson for Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Health Online and has been featured on several TV programs such as CNNFox News, the Today Show, and the Early Show – CBS, and Oprah.

For over a decade Dr. Pennington has helped women through her medical practice and television shows to explore and release the painful trauma that has kept them from a life of joy. Dr. Pennington now introduces the LA launch the The  “I Love You, Me! Women’s Empowerment Project with singer-songwriter, Meritxell, the new Peaches of legendary combo Peaches and Herb.

For many years Meritxell has been certain of the transformational capacity of her voice and her music. She has performed at world renowned events and shared stages with some of the most successful musicians in the Jazz and R&B world today. Through her music, Meritxell crosses boundaries like no other: She communicates beauty, harmony and power. You have heard her voice in television jingles for Sears, Covergirl and Pringles, to name a few.

The I Love You, Me! Empowerment Project includes several songs penned by the duo featuring world beats, jazzy melodies and funky hooks. The first release off the CD is called “I Love You, Me!” which encourages every woman to look herself in the mirror and recite the self-love affirmation along with them.

Dr. Pennington explains, I always ask my clients, “Can you look yourself in the mirror and say, "I love you, ME!" to your own reflection?” Many of them bow their heads in shame and reply, “No.”
“After over a decade treating depression, obesity, eating disorders and addiction, I have found that true self-love is a critical prerequisite for true self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle.” This project helps women become more aware of who they really are - behind the public persona and mask.

On November 2, 2009 at 1pm PT and 4pm ET, online visitors can listen to the "Dr. Andrea Show": Empowered for Life!  to discover Dr. Pennington's "Cornerstone Philosophy” , a powerful 5-step matrix her clients use for learning to love themselves – despite perceived physical or emotional ‘flaws’, excess weight and imperfections.

Monday, November 2 at 4pm ET/1pm PT
Simulcast on

This week's show is unique in that Dr. Andrea will highlight the theory of Cultural Legacy as defined in the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. You will gain insights into how your culture may be enabling your failures - as much as your success!

And to introduce the musical anthem that is part of the "I Love You, Me" empowerment project in Los Angeles, singer/songwriter Mertixell will be joining the show, too! Meritxell, the new "Peaches" of the legendary duo, Peaches & Herb, has relocated to Los Angeles and has partnered with Dr. Andrea to carry the message of empowerment and self-love to women everywhere!

Tune in to hear the song LIVE on the show!

Call in to listen live or to ask a question! (646) 727-3417

Listen online at

Submit questions while listening online at

About Dr. Pennington
Dr. Andrea Pennington  is the President of Pennington Empowerment Media and Editor in Chief of, a premier online resource for skin health and beauty.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Your Diet is Aging You! Top 5 Anti-Aging Foods for YOU!

I can tell what my 3-year-old daughter has been snacking on because it’s visible all over her precious face. Would you be surprised to learn that the telltale signs of what you have been eating – or avoiding – are equally noticeable just by looking at your face? It’s true. Dermatologists explain that our skin is a window into our overall health and can show clues of what’s going on under the surface.
New research reported in the British Medical Journal states that enjoying a Mediterranean-style diet including a combination of olive oil, seeds, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables – and only moderate alcohol intake – can improve overall health and longevity. And when we look at the faces of men and women from Mediterranean countries, who consume large amounts of olive oil, we see fewer wrinkles and firmer skin (despite avid sun-worshipping). And they not only have beautiful skin but cleaner arteries (on average) to boot!
Examining the faces and diets of many Asians shows that a diet rich in green tea can help the skin remain clear and blemish-free for decades longer than people who sunbathe, smoke, or otherwise rob their skin of ”free radical-fighting power.” Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties to neutralize the toxic effects of what we call reactive oxygen species.
To cut through the biochemistry lingo, simply understand that by simply breathing in oxygen, we create unstable molecules called free radicals, which are responsible for the visible and invisible signs of aging. Environmental factors that stimulate free-radical production include UV rays, radiation, cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, and pesticides.
We also cause free-radical damage by not getting enough rest or sleep, not properly managing our stress responses, and not eating healthfully. Free radicals can damage the very DNA of your skin cells (and every other cell in your body) and destroy the collagen and elastin that provide tautness and elasticity to skin. From wrinkles, dryness, and sensitivity, to vibrant and glowing, your skin broadcasts your inner state of health to all the world.
So if vanity will prompt you to finally look at your diet seriously, I say, welcome to the new generation of empowered people!
Click here are 5 of my favorite Super Foods for age-defying beauty and overall vitality brought to you by my blog on

Weight Loss Motivation – Pain or Pleasure?

I am attending a “Love Your Body” panel discussion here in LA this weekend and I started thinking about the types of motivation that drive us to take on new challenges – like losing weight. Are you someone who has to hit rock bottom before you will make a change in your life? For instance, do you need to feel totally embarrassed on a plane because your seat belt doesn’t fit? Or do you need to be at risk of not getting health insurance because your BMI is too high in order to finally get your weight under control?

Studies show that when we engage in a change out of fear or force we are not likely to stick with the change. That’s why New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, go to the gym and eat healthy don’t work well. When we ‘resolve’ to do something it means that we have finally given into pressure or are being forced to perform.

I wonder how many of us can remember a time when we just felt good in our bodies. Can you think of a time when you loved something about your body – your feet, your legs, your hips, or other ‘lady humps?’

I wonder if self-love and a sincere desire to give your body the food it really craves, the movement it was uniquely designed for and the fluids that keep it supple and flowing could motivate you.

In my first book, The Pennington Plan: 5 Steps to Achieving Vibrant Health, Emotional Wellbeing and Spiritual Growth I explained that I find it best to have at least 5 motivating factors when creating a new plan for life. Step 2 of the Plan tells you to list your motivating factors. If you mix it up with not just the things that you are trying to avoid – death, high blood pressure medication, insulin shots, etc - but also include reasons you want to get to a healthy weight you will enjoy more weight loss success. For instance, list things like:
·        Being able to run with your kids without getting winded
·        Enjoying how it feels to be light on your toes
·        Loving how your body looks to YOU and no body else!

Share your thoughts and comments about what motivates YOU to say “No” to cookies (or at least say Yes to one or two as opposed to 12!) and what motivates YOU to embrace more physical activity. Is there pleasure mixed into your life so that you don’t feel deprived when managing your weight? I want to know!

You may also want to check out my latest book: The Pennington Plan for Weight Success. If you purchase before Thanksgiving I will send you TWO books for the price of one! Hurry, supplies are limited.

Exclusive Online offer for an AUTOGRAHPED COPY direct from the author!
$7.95 + S/H
This book is small and mighty! It is packed with the essential information you need to embrace healthy eating habits for weight loss and age-less beauty. In this book I outlined a 5-step motivational plan that I use in my life when I want to be successful at any goal. It’s the same plan that I’ve taught all across the country, empowered my patients with and coached participants in the Travel Channel’s Swimsuit Slimdown competition.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Solution for Nation’s Health Crisis Requires a Paradigm Shift

The positive takeaway from this whole recession is that American’s now have personal incentives to strive toward wholeness and moderation. We can no longer rely on buy now pay later, we recognize that when it comes to our homes, personal possessions financial security, our health and peace of mind, our very existence requires a new paradigm for living.

We can not afford to live at extremes. Extreme workouts lead to extreme hunger, a sense of entitlement and compromise with near bingeing on tasty treats that are loaded with fat and sugar. We can no longer turn a blind eye toward the sneaky advertising methods, taste and flavor enhancers that hook us – at a cellular neurochemical level! – and say that “we just couldn’t help ourselves.” Just because many of these things have been in our environments since childhood, we now know that the effects of the long term use are dire. The argument of, “Hey, I turned out all right after eating at burger joints, pizza, ice cream and sugary breakfast cereals…”

Folks who read the TIME Magazine piece about the "Myths of Exercise" can recognize your own experience in the writer's story. We have been programmed to believe a lot of myths, lies and fairy tales about how to lose weight. If you've seen or heard me talk about my patient, Jeffrey Banks, who lost over 250 pounds and reversed a 12-year history of type-II diabetes, you now that for over 10 years I've shared with thousands of patients and millions of TV viewers when I was on Oprah, that the calories we consume and the nutrient value of our food should guide our health decisions. My latest book, The Pennington Plan for Weight Success, and the audio companion program Nutrition 101 - The Essentials for a Healthy Weight & Age-Less Beauty can provide you with simple guidance here.

We must turn away from the perverted interpretation of the promise of Democracy – that we can be all we want, take all we want and enjoy comfort all we want. These very misperceptions have led our nation into sedentary, gluttonous consumers and pain-avoiders.

Now the pain is here. Over two thirds of our nation is overweight. This excess weight – both physically and mentally – has pushed us into acute and chronic health conditions that are breaking our personal and collective banks. The pain of the economic uncertainty, emblazoned into our brains by 24-hour news programming, is pushing many to the brink of suicide, homicide and self-identity crises.

Finally the messages that I and others have been sharing in the media, with our patients and friends and family members cannot fall on deaf ears. The nation is finally ready and motivated for change state, because our very lives and livelihood depend on it. This is that ‘teachable moment’ that we coaches and psychologists talk about.

So we are encouraged (and coerced) into moving more and enjoying life’s pleasures in moderation. When we deprive ourselves of joy, nurturing and comfort we are forced to deal with the consequences of the pendulum swinging the other way. It’s time to recognize the wisdom of Buddhist teachings suggesting that we choose the ‘middle way.’

Move more. Eat consciously without relying on fads or gimmicks. Let your body’s original nature program guide you to a life of wholeness. Engage in physical activity regularly because your body craves it and loves it and is stimulated by it. Enjoy in the moment the time with your family members, friends, children.

When at work, stay focused on living up to your potential there. If you demonstrate the worthiness and capability to move up, you will. Allow yourself the wonderful experience of ridding your body, mind and environment of toxic substances, abuse of alcohol and even draining, negative relationships. You will begin to feel a natural sense of vitality that comes from being connected to who you really are and less about trying to live up to some ideal that really wasn’t promised to you at birth, you were simply programmed to believe it. Soon you will find that you can more easily gravitate toward food, environments, relationships and experiences that bring you joy, peace and motivation to live a better life. It’s not automatic and some will take longer to return to this state than others.

That’s where personalized medicine and empowerment coaching enable you to customize the latest statistics, personal genetics and lifestyle choice to create a plan for living healthy that you are more likely to stick with. Align yourself with health care professionals of all types to assist you in your own personal health recovery program.

Good health habits beget more good health habits. Each step we take provides more momentum and positive feeling to encourage us to do more. We can no longer accept complacency. This is the time to live up to our collective potential to be a vibrant, active, healthy society.

I stand committed to helping you achieve that in every way possible. Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and questions here or contact me directly at

Sunday, July 12, 2009

13 Deadly Relationship Mistakes Even Smart Women Make

Tune in for an important show about domestic violence
The "Dr. Andrea Show"
as she provides insight and advice with a survivor of domestic violence AND a former abuser

Monday, July 13 at 1pm ET/10am PT

When pictures of Rihanna came out on the Internet showing her beautiful face tattered and bruised because the fist of boyfriend Chris Brown struck her in a violent attack, it left most of us in disbelief and shock - that yes, even the young and fabulous in Hollywood struggle with the same issues we deal with or talk about on a daily basis in our most intimate relationships.

Yes, romantic relationships can be wonderful with the right person but as Dr. Andrea states, "A relationship with the wrong person can wreak havoc on a person's life leading to years of heartache, emotional/social unrest, and even physical damage. This is an important show for every woman to learn the signs to watch for and to understand what goes through the mind of an abuser."

· It is estimated that 2 million to 4 million US women are assaulted by a domestic partner every year. Twelve million women (1 out of 4 women) will be abused in their lifetime.

· One study estimated that more than 3% (approximately 1.8 million) of women were severely assaulted by male partners or cohabitants over the course of a year, while others indicate the percentage of women experiencing dating violence, including sexual assault, physical violence, or verbal and emotional abuse, ranges as high as 65%

On Monday, July 13th at 1pm ET, Dr. Andrea will be discussing the 13 deadly relationship mistakes most smart women make in their quest to find a lifelong partner. Dr. Andrea will be joined live by Kimberly, a woman who was abused in her first marriage of three years although the warning signs were blaring when she and her ex were only dating. Also live on the show is a man, "SP", a former abuser, who will talk about why he found himself committing violence against women in his relationships.

Then, Dr. Andrea will be joined by singer/songwriter, Meritxell, the new 'Peaches' of Peaches and Herb. Meritxell, who hails from Barcelona, Spain, has teamed up with Dr. Andrea to bring the I Love You, Me! Women's Empowerment Project to those who need a new start in life. Meritxell will share insights on how domestic violence affects the Latina community.

This timely and relevant show is not to be missed!

Airing weekly, Empowered for Life! with Dr. Andrea on BlogTalkRadio and YouTube will discuss timely and relevant topics including wellbeing, weight loss and body image, eating disorders, and health empowerment. She will even delve into tackling work/life balance, as well as lifestyle topics that cover beauty, travel, and relationships.

All media inquiries and interview requests should be directed to The Write Stylz Public Relations Firm.

Dr. Andrea Pennington, Dr. Andrea Pennington, a nationally renowned health expert and radio host, is the past Medical Director and Spokesperson for Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Health Online and has been featured on several TV programs such as CNN, Fox News, the Today Show, the Early Show - CBS, and Oprah. For over a decade Dr. Pennington has helped women through her medical practice and television shows to explore and release the painful trauma that has kept them from a life of joy. Dr. Pennington launched the "I Love You, Me! Women's Empowerment Project with singer-songwriter, Meritxell, the new "Peaches" of legendary combo Peaches and Herb.

Visit and

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Healthy is the New "Skinny!"

If Barbie Were a Real

Woman, She Would Look Like the Rest of


Tune in for “Healthy is the New Skinny” on the “Dr. Andrea Show” as she Discuss the

Obsession of Body Perfection in America

If Barbie were a real woman she would have: divorced Ken, had 1-tummy tuck under her belt, endured 2 lay-offs, suffered with

thinning hair, turned off the lights while making love and probably been treated for her depression! Come on people let’s get real; Barbie would look and feel like most of us!

Forty to fifty percent of women in the U.S. are under pressure to measure up to a certain social and cultural ideal of beauty, which can lead to poor body image. Women are

constantly bombarded with "Barbie-doll" images.

If you fear the words “Pool Party”, let Dr. Andrea walk you through it! Got a class or family reunion coming up? Allow Dr. Andrea to boost your confid

ence! Is your daughter obsessed about being SKINNY? Dr. Andrea can coach her through it! Or do you just desire to feel good about YOU? Don’t miss this show!

· It is estimated that 40-50% of American women are trying to lose weight at any point in time.

· One out of every four college aged women has an eating disorder.

· Almost half of all women smokers smoke because they see it as the best way to control their weight. Of these women, 25% will die of a

disease caused by smoking.

· At 59” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 which is considered severely underweight. Because of her ridiculous proportions (3

9” bust, 18” waist, 33” thighs and a size 3 shoes!), if she was a real woman, she wouldn’t be able to walk upright - she would have to walk on all fours.

· At age thirteen, 53% of

American girls are “unhappy with their bodies.” This grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen.

By presenting an ideal that is so difficult to achieve and mai

ntain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are experiencing exponential growth. It's no accident that our daughters, nieces and BFF’s are increasingly brainwashed into thinking that thinness is the essential crite

rion of beauty. The message we're hearing is either "all women need to lose weight" or that the natural aging process is a "disastrous" fate.

The next live show, scheduled June 29th at 1pm ET, will feature a discussion titled, "Healthy is the New Skinny"! Dr. Andrea says, “The media has it all wrong and it’s got us all trippin’! The average American woman is 5’4” tall and weighs 140 pounds. The average American model is 5’11” tall and weighs 117 pounds.”

Dr. Andrea will be joined by Blanche Williams, former model, Sirius-XM Radio talk show personality, author, media literacy advocate, and management director for acclaimed documentary The Soul’s of Black Girls, focusing on the impact the media has on black women’s self-image. Blanche has been involved with health, wellness and empowerment for over 10 years and believes that a healthy mind creates a healthy body. Her book, How to Design Your Mind for Greatness, is part of Williams’ Greatness by Design Empowerment Enterprises.

Also joining the conversation is

Andrea Owen. She is a life coach, blogger of "Live your Ideal Life", and a speaker passionate about empowering women to value their character and access their 3 best selves: self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. She is currently hosting workshops sponsored by the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, helping young girls establish healthy self esteem and to help widen the definition of beauty.

Dr. Andrea will answer pertinent questions that include:

  1. What is “Total Life Transformation” all about for real women with real weight issues?
  2. Why do some of us hate the way we look?
  3. How can we boost our metabolism to increase weight loss?
  4. How can women come to love the bodies we have on the inside?
  5. What are ways to reduce the weight after the baby comes?
  6. How can we boost the esteem of our teens and prevent poor choices?

Airing weekly, Empowered for Life! with Dr. Andrea on BlogTalkRadio and YouTube will discuss timely and relevant topics including wellbeing, weight loss and body image, eating disorders, and health empowerment. She will even delve into tackling work/life balance, as well as lifestyle topics that cover beauty, travel, and relationships.

All media inquiries and interview requests should be directed to
The Write Stylz Public Relations Firm.

Dr. Andrea Pennington, Dr. Andrea Pennington, a nationally renowned health expert and radio host, is the past Medical Director and Spokesperson for Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Health Online and has been featured on several TV programs such as CNN, Fox News, the Today Show, the Early ShowCBS, and Oprah. For over a decade Dr. Pennington has helped women through her medical practice and television shows to explore and release the painful trauma that has kept them from a life of joy. Dr. Pennington launched the “I Love You, Me! Women’s Empowerment Project with singer-songwriter, Meritxell, the new Peaches of legendary combo Peaches and Herb. and


About "Empowered for Life w/Dr. Andrea"

Empowered for Life! with Dr. Andrea, hosted by Andrea Pennington, MD, is a show centered on the outspoken and candid wisdom of Dr. AndreaPennington offering solutions for empowered living to millions. Each week topics differ but the essence of the show remains the same: expert advice and life coaching for living an empowered life from wellness expert, empowerment coach and medical journalist Dr. Andrea Pennington. Dr. Andrea is your go-to guru for life transformation and optimal living!

Dr. Andrea Pennington, a nationally renowned health expert and radio host, is the past Medical Director and Spokesperson for Discovery Health Channel and Discovery Health Online and has been featured on several TV programs such as CNN, Fox News, theToday Show, the Early Show - CBS, and Oprah.

For over a decade Dr. Pennington has helped women through her medical practice and television shows to explore and release the painful trauma that has kept them from a life of joy. Dr. Pennington launched the "I Love You, Me! Women's Empowerment Project with singer-songwriter, Meritxell, the new Peaches of legendary comboPeaches and Herb. For more information, please visit and .

The live format allows listeners to call or email into the studio with specific questions for Dr. Andrea or guest experts.

About The Write Stylz Public Relations Firm

The Write Stylz Public Relations Firm is a full service, integrated, marketing, advertising & public relations agency with headquarters in Atlanta and Charlotte.

With over 35 years of collective experience in advertising, brand development, marketing communications, and public relations experience, we represent consumer, B-to-B and non-profit clients in industries ranging from healthcare to cellular, higher education institutions to book authors, public utilities to state government and sports and entertainment more.

Contact: Media Relations


Phone: 404-573-1627


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 Tips for Longevity

Most people just want to hear the basic ways to improve their health. I wish there was a magic pill or simple formula, but the reality is that if we embrace a healthy lifestyle - most of the time! - we can reduce the burden of physical ailments and disease in our lives.

But, since you keep asking for quick tips for living longer and healthier, here they are!

Dr. Andrea's 10 Tips for Longevity
1. Ensure you maintain proper nutrition and hydration

2. Ensure you have regular physical activity

3. Consult an Age Management practitioner and inquire if hormone optimization is an alternative for you

4. Consult a certified nutritionist, dietitian or Age Management doctor to optimize your vitamin and mineral supplementation

5. Ensure stimulation of the mind; research mental fitness techniques likes games, puzzles, and reading

6. Ensure you participate in social networks and maintain relationships and friendships

7. Engage in practical spirituality to live with purpose and passion

8. Practice emotional wellness and stress elimination

9. Get a good night’s sleep, between 7–9 hours, also known as restorative sleep

10. Live in harmony with nature and your environment

Make these simple steps part of your daily and weekly routine. These habits can add up to longer productive years and can prolong your 'health span'.

Here's to your health and vitality,

Dr. Andrea

Dr. Andrea Pennington, a physician, acupuncturist and empowerment coach, is the president of Pennington Empowerment Media and is a physician affiliate of the Cenegenics Medical Institute. She is the author of The Pennington Plan: 5 Simple Steps to Vibrant Health, Emotional Well Being and Spiritual Growth. For more information,

The state of North American health care

We have just ended a century of unprecedented advances in medical knowledge and technology. Serious medical conditions that were once considered disabling or a death sentence are now curable and most devastating disease conditions that exist today are now manageable or preventable.

In spite of all the amazing medical advances in recent years, there exists a great paradox in health care today—we simply cannot afford it! The economics of today’s health care has made all of the advances in medical science less and less available to just about everyone—including even those that are willing to pay for them. As medical costs continue to soar, patients are increasingly being denied coverage for crucial services by their insurance companies.

If health care is so expensive, what can you do?

While we anxiously await new health reform and insurance legislation, what can we do to avoid all of these problems and receive the best health care possible? The answer is really very simple—don’t get sick! We must do everything possible to avoid disease and maintain excellent health.

Disease prevention is definitely the key to North America’s health care crisis. The question, then, is how does one go about obtaining top quality preventive health care?

Unfortunately today’s medical practice devotes little, if any, time to teaching patients about preventing disease, maintaining quality of life as people age, promoting the virtues of exercise and proper nutrition, and the importance of hormonal balance and optimal hormone levels in preserving vitality.

Most people do not know how to incorporate these areas into their lifestyle consistently. We must all learn how to maintain our quality of life and zest for living, how to prevent the accumulation of body fat and how to get rid of it if we already have it, and how to prevent or reverse the loss of bone and muscle tissue. This becomes critically important as we age if we are to avoid nursing home care, chronic pain, immobilization, mental deterioration, and prescription drug dependency.

That's why I'm so passionate about sharing resources that empower YOU to embrace a new lifestyle, engage in conversation with the right health care providers and learn how to navigate the health care system.

How do we know if we are at risk?

Everybody must become proactive in managing their own health, preventing disease, and maximizing the quality of their lives. Remember, we don’t die of old age—we die from degenerative diseases.

Many “early warning” signs of degenerative diseases can be can easily obtained tests that can prevent or delay their onset. Each of us should request these tests on a routine basis to help us take action early on to prevent disease.

The vast majority of primary care physicians are not allowed time and/or have the time to review this information, nor are they well versed in the nuances of nutrition, bio-identical hormone optimization and lifestyle management. However there is a new medical specialty that deals specifically and exclusively with all of these issues—Age Management Medicine.

The practice of Age Management Medicine, a proactive approach to aging

Age Management Medicine (AMM) is dedicated to the science of healthy aging and emphasizes the enhancement of health over the treatment of illness.

Traditional medical practices follow the “fix it when it breaks” approach. AMM focuses on disease prevention, wellness and quality of life. Its goal is to promote a more dynamic life throughout middle age and beyond by utilizing scientifically sound, twenty-first century strategies that enhance health, quality of life and longevity.

We must all change our thinking about aging. Older does not mean sicker. The majority of us have a strong enough genetic makeup to live beyond 85. The key is to make the best of the genes we have.

Incorporation of AMM practices into our daily lives allows us to compress the time we are sick to the very end of our lives. We cannot stop or reverse the aging process, but we can definitely manage it better than previous generations have. We can avoid premature disability and death. After all, what are the benefits of living longer if we end up in a nursing home locked into a body or brain that doesn’t work during the last 20 to 30 years of our lives?

What can you do to help prevent premature aging?

As part of my medical practice, I specialize in Age Management Medicine. Many of my clients, friend, family and complete strangers will ask me, how can I prevent the onset of premature aging? With this in mind I have compiled a list of for you to review and put into practice. In this case practice does make perfect! As part of this column we will review each of these tips in upcoming articles and interviews.

Author’s note: My former mentor, Dr. Alan Mintz, and colleague Dr. Jeffrey Life of the Cenegenics Medical Institute contributed to this article.

Dr. Andrea Pennington, a physician, acupuncturist and empowerment coach, is the president of Pennington Empowerment Media and is a physician affiliate of the Cenegenics Medical Institute. She is the author of The Pennington Plan: 5 Simple Steps to Vibrant Health, Emotional Well Being and Spiritual Growth. For more information,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beat Recession Depression!

Join me on Monday, June 1 at 1pm ET for a discussion on practical ways to beat 'Recession Depression' as media maven, Monique Caradine, interviews me on BlogTalkRadio!

Tune in on Monday at 1pm ET to hear the interview, or you can call in with questions LIVE!

Submit questions via email or via Twitter, Facebook or you can even dial into the show to ask questions (646) 727-3417

You can learn more about my top 5 ways to beat recession depression here:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Pennington Plan for Weight Success!

Monday  MAY 18 AT 3PM ET ON BlogTalkRadio!

Please join me for a free discussion of my new  book - The Pennington Plan for Weight Success!

You can listen online or call in to hear me share my pearls of wisdom for permanent weight loss and lifestyle transformation. 

Not only have I coached, taught and inspired millions of people around the world with my simple approach to sensible eating and weight loss, I've applied my own lessons to myself!

In this inspiring hour I'll tell you about my personal weight loss journey as I've gotten on my own bandwagon to lose weight after baby with sensible meal replacements and behavioral modification.

You'll learn the 5-step motivational plan to use when YOU want weight success.

And you'll learn how to lose weight without feeling hugry or deprived!

Or call in (646) 727-3417.

You can submit questions via Facebook, Twitter, or email:

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Dr. Andrea Pennington is a respected Integrative Medicine physician, acupuncturist and author.  She is the founder and President of Pennington Empowerment Media and the immediate past President of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals. Dr. Pennington's personal mission is to empower people all over the world to transform their lives from the inside-out.

A passionate advocate for total wellness, Dr. Pennington has been featured twice on the Oprah Winfrey Show as a wellness expert who teaches how to live with increased health, vitality and purpose.  Her unique treatment style blends traditional medicine with acupuncture, fitness instruction, nutritional consultation, spiritual direction, and empowerment coaching.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ready for Weight Success?

Serious about losing weight?

Ready to keep it off?

Take this quick quiz to find out!

  1. Do you want to lose weight without deprivation or starvation?

  1. Are you ready to lose 10, 30, 50 or more pounds?

  1. Are you ready to be successful at keeping it off?

  1. Are you ready to feel good in your clothes and have more energy?

  1. Are you ready to lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes?

If you answered YES to one or more of those questions, then YOU ARE READY for the Pennington Plan for Weight Success!

Please join me on Monday, May 18 at 3pm ET for  a LIVE BlogTalkRadio show with me and some of my clients. Visit my website to register for the e-newsletter to get the call-in details.

Losing weight may seem like the most challenging thing you’ve ever done. But it is the single most important change you will make in your life. And because more Americans die of obesity related conditions than any other disease, including cancer, you may even save your life!  

I've started on a new weight loss plan - my own! Yep, the same 5-step motivational plan for weight success that I've used with hundreds of clients, Oprah, CNN and more will be used to help me get rid of the last bit of baby fat! (Yeah, I know YOU can't see it, but I can!)

I'll share my secrets and take your live questions via Twitter, Facebook or call in!

I look forward to connecting with you!

Dr. Andrea

Monday, May 4, 2009

Top 10 Tips for Avoiding the Flu

There has been a great deal of panic here in the DC area since the announcement of the H1N1 flu. So here are some natural ways to prevent the flu while following the standard guidance of the CDC. In addition to avoiding crowded places if you're sick or if you have a lowered immune system, I’ve outlined my Top 10 Cold & Flu Prevention Tips.

#1 Wash Your Hands

This sounds basic, but it is one of the most effective ways to prevent getting and spreading the viruses that knock us off our feet. You see, most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. When someone who has the flu sneezes onto their hand, and then touches the telephone, the keyboard or a doorknob, the germs can live there for some time. The next unsuspecting person picks them up. So wash your hands often and tell your children to do the same! If no sink is available, carry some hand sanitizing gel in your pocket book or briefcase.

#2 Use Tissue When You Sneeze and Cough

Viruses can become airborne through respiratory droplets, so to protect those around you, use a tissue when you sneeze or cough. If you have to use your bare hands, be sure to wash your hands immediately to avoid passing germs along to others!

We pick up cold and flu viruses through the membranes in our eyes, nose, and mouth. If you work in a busy office or are around children often, be sure to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes or nose with your bare hands.

#3 Use Disinfectants Often

Using a spray, like Lysol®, that has been designated by the Environmental Protection Agency to kill viruses and bacteria can greatly reduce the spread of common causes of the flu. Spray door handles, garbage cans and wipe counter tops.

#4 Drink Plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated helps to keep your whole body operating at its best. For your body to fight infection, it needs adequate water. So to avoid dehydration, be sure to drink enough water to make your urine clear. For most, drinking 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses of water each day will do the trick. Water is the best choice; you want to be sure not to drink too much soda, coffee or sugary juice drinks which can actually dehydrate you.

While orange juice can help because of the vitamin C, limit yourself to 8 ounces each day to be sure to get enough water in. Also, decaf green tea can be soothing and has immune-boosting antioxidants.

#5 Keep Your Nasal Passages Clean and Moist

Consider using a sterile saline nose spray two to three times each day to wash the nasal passages. Many people find that with seasonal allergies their nasal passages are clogged or drippy. And as the winter air becomes more dry and offices and homes turn on central heating, the nasal passages become dry and cracked. Many people have allergies to dusts and molds that come on in the fall and winter.

Using a nasal wash helps to keep the nose moist and washes away irritants.

#6 Exercise Regularly

In order to keep the body revved up to fight infection, it is crucial to keep your body moving! So, be sure to stick to your exercise regimen. Aerobic exercise like jogging, house cleaning, brisk walking and aerobic routines can really boost the body’s disease fighting abilities.

#7 Nourish Yourself Well

At its best, food can be the best preventive medicine! So be sure to stock up on dark-colored fruits and vegetables to get your daily intake of the vitamins and nutrients that keep the immune system healthy. Junk foods, fatty foods and processed snacks can rob you of vitality and increase your risk of getting sick.

Do not skip breakfast. Instead be sure to eat three wholesome meals each day and two small snacks with fruits and veggies throughout the day!

Yogurt makes a wonderful snack for those on the go. Plus, some studies show that it may help reduce the risk of getting sick.

#8 Get Adequate Sleep and Rest

Studies show that most adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night for the body to properly rejuvenate. So, to keep sickness at bay, be sure to get some good shut eye.

You can also keep your body calm with periods of rest and relaxation. When we live with prolonged stress without allowing the body to calm down, we reduce the immune system’s ability to help fight infection.

#9 Consider herbs and nutritional supplements

Echinacea is one herbal supplement that many find helps knock out sniffles before they go on to a more serious condition by boosting the immune system. You can take capsules or drink tea with Echinacea all season long.

Zinc is a mineral that is crucial to proper immune function and helps people recover faster from illness. Of course, Vitamin C is a standard in boosting our ability to fight and prevent illness. Drink it in orange juice or take tablets.

#10 Limit Alcohol Consumption & Don't Smoke

Cigarette and cigar smokers tend to get more severe colds, flus and they get them more frequently.

Smoke dries out your nasal passages, lowers your immune response and decreases your ability to sweep bacteria and viruses out of your respiratory system. It’s one toxic substance that dramatically increases your risk of getting the flu and staying sick longer.

Alcohol is another toxin that increases the risk of getting sick because it dramatically suppresses the immune system. Not only that, it poisons nearly every organ system in the body, particularly the liver, which is critical for removing toxins and bacteria from the body.

So, there you have it. 10 sure-fire ways to stay healthy! Use them wisely.

Empowering you for LIFE,

Dr. Andrea