The positive takeaway from this whole recession is that American’s now have personal incentives to strive toward wholeness and moderation. We can no longer rely on buy now pay later, we recognize that when it comes to our homes, personal possessions financial security, our health and peace of mind, our very existence requires a new paradigm for living.
We can not afford to live at extremes. Extreme workouts lead to extreme hunger, a sense of entitlement and compromise with near bingeing on tasty treats that are loaded with fat and sugar. We can no longer turn a blind eye toward the sneaky advertising methods, taste and flavor enhancers that hook us – at a cellular neurochemical level! – and say that “we just couldn’t help ourselves.” Just because many of these things have been in our environments since childhood, we now know that the effects of the long term use are dire. The argument of, “Hey, I turned out all right after eating at burger joints, pizza, ice cream and sugary breakfast cereals…”
We must turn away from the perverted interpretation of the promise of Democracy – that we can be all we want, take all we want and enjoy comfort all we want. These very misperceptions have led our nation into sedentary, gluttonous consumers and pain-avoiders.
Finally the messages that I and others have been sharing in the media, with our patients and friends and family members cannot fall on deaf ears. The nation is finally ready and motivated for change state, because our very lives and livelihood depend on it. This is that ‘teachable moment’ that we coaches and psychologists talk about.
So we are encouraged (and coerced) into moving more and enjoying life’s pleasures in moderation. When we deprive ourselves of joy, nurturing and comfort we are forced to deal with the consequences of the pendulum swinging the other way. It’s time to recognize the wisdom of Buddhist teachings suggesting that we choose the ‘middle way.’
Move more. Eat consciously without relying on fads or gimmicks. Let your body’s original nature program guide you to a life of wholeness. Engage in physical activity regularly because your body craves it and loves it and is stimulated by it. Enjoy in the moment the time with your family members, friends, children.
When at work, stay focused on living up to your potential there. If you demonstrate the worthiness and capability to move up, you will. Allow yourself the wonderful experience of ridding your body, mind and environment of toxic substances, abuse of alcohol and even draining, negative relationships. You will begin to feel a natural sense of vitality that comes from being connected to who you really are and less about trying to live up to some ideal that really wasn’t promised to you at birth, you were simply programmed to believe it. Soon you will find that you can more easily gravitate toward food, environments, relationships and experiences that bring you joy, peace and motivation to live a better life. It’s not automatic and some will take longer to return to this state than others.
That’s where personalized medicine and empowerment coaching enable you to customize the latest statistics, personal genetics and lifestyle choice to create a plan for living healthy that you are more likely to stick with. Align yourself with health care professionals of all types to assist you in your own personal health recovery program.
Good health habits beget more good health habits. Each step we take provides more momentum and positive feeling to encourage us to do more. We can no longer accept complacency. This is the time to live up to our collective potential to be a vibrant, active, healthy society.
I stand committed to helping you achieve that in every way possible. Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and questions here or contact me directly at DrAndrea@AndreaPennington.com